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Natural Solutions for Childhood Anxiety: A guide for parents

Shawn Meirovici • May 16, 2023

Childhood Anxiety

As parents, our first priority is always to ensure the physical and emotional well-being of our children. However, with the fast-paced and demanding world that we live in, children, too, are often faced with stress and anxiety. Childhood anxiety can present itself in various ways, including excessive worrying, fear of separation, social anxiety, and panic attacks, among others. While medication is often prescribed for children diagnosed with anxiety disorders, more and more parents are seeking natural and holistic ways to manage their child's anxiety. In this blog post, I will discuss natural solutions for childhood anxiety that parents can consider to ensure that their children thrive, grow, and develop into well-adjusted adults.

1. Exercise

Regular exercise promotes both mental and physical health and is one of the most effective natural solutions for childhood anxiety. Physical activity releases endorphins, also known as "feel-good" hormones, that naturally reduce anxiety and depression. Exercise can also help children distract themselves from stressful situations, providing them with a sense of control and self-esteem. You can encourage your child to participate in activities such as dancing, running, cycling, or team sports. As a parent, lead by example, and make physical exercise a daily family routine.

The American Heart Association and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that children and adolescents get at least an hour of physical activity per day. Here are some weekly guidelines for exercise for kids and children:

  • Children ages 6-17 should aim for at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day.

  • The 60 minutes of activity can be broken up into shorter bouts throughout the day, such as three 20-minute sessions.

  • Activities that strengthen bones, such as running and jumping, should be done at least three days per week.

  • Activities that strengthen muscles, such as push-ups and climbing, should be done at least three days per week.

  • Encourage children to participate in a variety of physical activities, such as team sports, swimming, bike riding, jumping rope, and dancing.

  • Limit screen time to no more than 2 hours per day.

  • Encourage children to be active with friends and family, such as taking walks or playing in the park.

It is important to match the physical activity level to a child's age and abilities, and to choose activities that the child enjoys. If a child has a medical condition, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting an exercise program.

2. Mindfulness

Mindfulness refers to being present in the moment and not allowing thoughts of the past or future to affect the present. Mindfulness teaches children to focus on the moment and deal with their anxious feelings in real-time. Mindfulness techniques can be easily incorporated into children's routines and can include deep breathing, meditation, or yoga. You can start by practicing mindfulness techniques together as a family, which can increase your child's comfort level with these exercises.

Click here to see a list of 50 mindfulness resources for kids and teens.

3. Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy involves using natural plant extracts or essential oils to improve psychological and physical well-being. Aroma oils, such as lavender and chamomile, are known to be calming and relaxing and can help alleviate anxiety symptoms in children. You can introduce aromatherapy to your child by using a diffuser in their room or applying a few drops of essential oils to their pillowcase.

Here are step-by-step instructions on how to use essential oils for anxiety:

  1. Choose an essential oil known to have calming effects, such as lavender, chamomile, ylang-ylang, or bergamot. It is important to choose a high-quality oil that is pure and free of additives.
  2. Decide how you want to use the essential oil. Essential oils can be used in a variety of ways to help reduce anxiety, including inhalation, topical application, and aromatherapy.
  3. Inhalation: Add a few drops of essential oil to a diffuser, or place a few drops onto a tissue or cotton ball and inhale deeply. This method can help reduce anxiety quickly and is great for use before bed.
  4. Topical Application: Dilute the essential oil with a carrier oil, such as coconut or almond oil, before applying it to the skin. Massage the oil into the temples, forehead, or the bottoms of the feet. This method can help reduce anxiety gradually over time.
  5. Aromatherapy: Add a few drops of essential oil to a warm bath, or mix with Epsom salt and sprinkle into a warm bath. This method can provide a relaxing and calming experience.
  6. Repeat as needed. Essential oils should be used as needed or as part of a regular relaxation routine to help manage anxiety symptoms over time.
  7. Pay attention to any adverse reactions. Some people may experience allergic reactions or skin sensitivity to essential oils, so it is important to pay attention to any adverse reactions and stop use if necessary.

4. Proper nutrition

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in emotional well-being. A well-balanced diet with ample amounts of fruits, vegetables, and lean protein is essential to help children manage anxiety symptoms. Sugar and caffeine intake must be limited as they can exacerbate anxiety in children. Encourage your child to adopt healthy eating habits and involve them in the cooking process. Modeling healthy eating habits as a parent is a sure way of guiding your child towards optimal wellness. For more information on nutritional requirements for kids check out this article.

5. Time management and good sleep habits

Sleep and time management are crucial natural solutions for childhood anxiety. A lack of sleep increases cortisol levels and anxiety symptoms in children. Establishing proper sleep habits, such as a consistent bedtime routine, including relaxation and winding-down activities, playing relaxing music, and lowering lights can enhance relaxation, quality of sleep, and reduce anxiety symptoms.

In addition, teaching your child time management strategies, including prioritizing tasks, breaking tasks into smaller chunks and setting realistic goals and deadlines, can help ease anxiety and stress brought about by schoolwork and other activities.

6. Supplements

Under the supervision of a Naturopathic Doctor, supplements can be used to safely reduce anxiety in kids and children. Certain herbs, vitamins, minerals and amino acids like Magnesium Glycinate, L-theanine, Vitamin B Complex and 5-HTP are known to be effective in combatting anxiety in kids. Other options include herbal remedies such as lavender oil and chamomile tea.

One study found that Magnesium Glycinate supplementation reduced symptoms of anxiety in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and anxiety disorders. Another study suggested that L-theanine reduced anxiety symptoms in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Additionally, Vitamin B-complex supplementation was shown to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression in children with mood disorders.

There is also some evidence that 5-HTP may be helpful in reducing symptoms of anxiety in children.

A study conducted on lavender oil found that it significantly reduced symptoms of anxiety in children after inhaling the scent. Additionally, a review of multiple studies suggested that lavender oil may be effective in reducing anxiety symptoms in children with autism spectrum disorder.

Chamomile tea has also been studied for its potential anti-anxiety effects in children. A randomized controlled trial found that children and adolescents who consumed chamomile tea for 8 weeks had a significant reduction in symptoms of anxiety compared to those in the control group. Another study showed similar results in children with generalized anxiety disorder who consumed chamomile extract.


Childhood anxiety is a common challenge that many parents face. However, parents don't have to rely on prescription medication to alleviate anxiety symptoms. By incorporating natural solutions such as exercise, mindfulness, aromatherapy, proper nutrition, and good sleep habits into children's routines, parents can provide holistic care that nurtures both the physical and emotional well-being of their children. In some cases, supplementation under the supervision of a Naturopathic Doctor may be a good supportive therapy in a complete treatment plan. It's important to consult with your child's healthcare provider before trying any new remedies, but with dedication, patience, and love, you can support your child through their anxiety, enabling them to thrive, grow and develop into well-adjusted adults.

By Shawn Meirovici 16 May, 2024
Eczema can be a challenging condition for children and their parents, leading to uncomfortable, itchy skin that seems almost impossible to soothe. One natural remedy that has stood the test of time is the oatmeal bath. Not only is it gentle and effective, but it’s also easy to prepare at home. Here’s how you can provide relief to your little one’s skin with this simple, soothing solution. Introduction Oatmeal baths have been a go-to solution for itchy, irritated skin for centuries. Colloidal oatmeal, or oats ground into a very fine powder, can be dispersed in water and has incredible properties that soothe the skin, reduce inflammation, and protect the skin barrier. This makes it an ideal, natural treatment for children suffering from eczema. Preparation Ingredients: Colloidal oatmeal (readily available at most pharmacies or health stores) Warm water  Ensure you have enough colloidal oatmeal on hand to create a milky bath solution. If you cannot find colloidal oatmeal, you can make your own by grinding regular, unflavoured oats in a food processor until they become a fine powder. Step-by-Step Instructions Fill the Bathtub: Start by filling the bathtub with warm water. The temperature should be comfortable and should not exacerbate your child’s eczema, so aim for lukewarm rather than hot. Add the Colloidal Oatmeal: Sprinkle the colloidal oatmeal into the running water, using about one cup for a standard bathtub. Stir the water with your hand to ensure the oatmeal is evenly distributed and has fully dissolved. The water should look milky and feel silky. Bathing Time: Gently place your child in the bathtub and have them soak for 10-15 minutes. This is the perfect amount of time for the oatmeal to work its magic on their skin without over-drying. Tips and Precautions Test the Water Temperature: Always test the water with your elbow or a thermometer to ensure it’s not too hot. Hot water can further irritate eczema. Gentle Soap: After the oatmeal bath, if you need to use soap, choose a gentle, fragrance-free soap to cleanse the skin without stripping it of its natural oils. Allergy Precaution: If your child has never used an oatmeal bath before, and especially if they have known allergies, test the bath on a small area of their skin first to ensure there’s no allergic reaction. Moisturize: After the bath, gently pat your child's skin dry with a towel and apply a moisturizer to lock in hydration. This step is crucial for maintaining the benefits of the oatmeal bath. Conclusion Oatmeal baths can be a soothing, natural remedy for the discomfort of childhood eczema. By incorporating this simple treatment into your child’s skincare routine, you can help relieve their symptoms and improve their skin’s health. Remember, while oatmeal baths are effective for many, every child’s skin is different. If you have concerns or if your child’s condition worsens, consulting a healthcare provider is always the best course of action.
By Shawn Meirovici 13 May, 2024
Pregnancy is a beautiful, transformative phase in a woman's life, characterized by excitement, anticipation, and the joy of bringing new life into the world. Amidst this beautiful chaos, the importance of maintaining a healthy diet becomes paramount, not only for the expectant mother but also for the developing fetus. Among the array of nutrients pivotal during pregnancy, Omega-3 fatty acids stand out for their extensive benefits to both mother and child. Understanding Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Fetal Development Omega-3 fatty acids are a family of essential fats that you must obtain through your diet as the human body can't produce them on its own. These fats play a crucial role in the body's function and are particularly significant during pregnancy for fetal development. They are primarily found in fish oil and other marine oils, as well as in flaxseed, chia seeds, and walnuts. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are the types of Omega-3 fats particularly beneficial during pregnancy. DHA, for instance, is a major structural component of the human brain and the retina in the eye, making it critical for the neurological and visual development of the baby. The Multifaceted Benefits of Omega-3 Supplementation For the Mother: Mental Health Support: Regular Omega-3 supplementation can lessen the risk of postpartum depression, thanks to its positive effects on mood regulation. Inflammation Reduction: Omega-3s have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce the risk of pregnancy complications linked to inflammation. For the Baby: Enhanced Brain Development: A substantial intake of DHA contributes to optimal brain development and function, potentially improving the cognitive development of the child. Stronger Vision: The high concentration of DHA in the retina improves eye health and vision development in infants. Lower Risk of Preterm Birth: Adequate Omega-3 levels can significantly reduce the risk of early preterm birth, offering the baby more time for growth and development in the womb. Sourcing Omega-3: Diet Over Supplements? While supplements are an effective way to boost Omega-3 intake, incorporating food sources rich in these fatty acids into your diet is also beneficial. Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines are excellent sources. For vegetarians, algae oil supplements can be an alternative source of DHA. However, due to concerns about mercury consumption in fish, many healthcare providers recommend purified fish oil supplements as a safer and more controlled Omega-3 source during pregnancy. Deciphering the Science Research underscores the role of Omega-3 in lowering the risk of preterm births, which are a leading cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality. Studies have also linked adequate Omega-3 intake to reduced incidences of postpartum depression, highlighting the nutrient's role in emotional well-being. Safety First: Dosages and Considerations When it comes to supplementation during pregnancy, safety is the top priority. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are generally advised a daily DHA intake of at least 200 mg. However, it's essential to consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice, as individual needs may vary. Testimonies from the Heart Countless mothers have shared heartwarming stories of how Omega-3 supplementation during pregnancy contributed to their well-being and their children's health. From smoother pregnancies and births to noticing developmental leaps in their children, the experiences underline the profound impact of these essential nutrients. A Healthy Beginning In the magnificent journey of bringing a new life into this world, taking care of your dietary needs is a pivotal step toward a healthy pregnancy and baby. Omega-3 fatty acids are a key part of this puzzle, offering a range of benefits that extend from the womb to the world. Reflecting on the importance of these nutrients, it becomes clear why they are recommended so universally among healthcare professionals. If you're planning a pregnancy or currently expecting, consider discussing Omega-3 supplementation with your healthcare provider to ensure the best health outcomes for you and your baby. Remember, a well-nourished pregnancy is a gift to your future child, laying the foundation for a healthy, vibrant life. For more articles on Omega-3 and kids health click here To view some of the research on Omega-3 and pregnancy click here
By Shawn Meirovici 02 May, 2024
Sore throats in children are as common as they are distressing—for both the little ones and their parents. Finding a remedy that's safe, effective, and doesn't involve a battle of wills at medicine time can feel like a quest for the Holy Grail. It's precisely here that naturopathic remedies come into their own, offering gentle, natural options that support your child's healing process without the harsh compounds found in many over-the-counter medicines. Understanding Naturopathic Medicine Naturopathic medicine is rooted in the belief that the body has an inherent ability to heal itself, given the right support. It emphasizes prevention, treatment, and optimal health through the use of therapeutic methods and substances that encourage individuals' inherent self-healing process. For parents, turning to naturopathic remedies means choosing to treat their children's ailments with natural ingredients that work in harmony with the body's healing mechanisms. 5 Naturopathic Remedies for Your Child's Sore Throat When it comes to sore throats, nature has provided a plethora of remedies. Here are five naturopathic solutions that have been used for generations to soothe irritation, fight infection, and speed recovery. 1. Honey and Lemon A timeless classic, the combination of honey and lemon can do wonders for a sore throat. Honey has natural antibacterial properties and acts as a humectant, providing lasting moisture to the throat. Lemon adds a boost of vitamin C and helps to cut through mucus. Stir a teaspoon of raw, organic honey and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice into a cup of warm water for a soothing drink. Remember, honey is not recommended for children under 1 year of age. 2. Ginger Tea Ginger is renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties, making it a powerful remedy for sore throats. You can make ginger tea by simmering fresh ginger slices in water for about 15-20 minutes. Allow it to cool to a safe temperature and have your child sip it slowly. For added benefits and flavour, you can combine it with honey. 3. Saltwater Gargle While younger children might not be able to manage this, older kids can benefit from a simple saltwater gargle. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water and have your child gargle the solution for a few seconds before spitting it out. This can help relieve a sore throat by washing away bacteria and reducing inflammation. 4. Marshmallow Root Marshmallow root has been used for centuries to treat sore throats and coughs. It contains a substance called mucilage, which coats and soothes the throat. You can find marshmallow root tea in health stores, or make your own by steeping the dried root in boiling water. Ensure it’s cool enough for your child to drink. 5. Slippery Elm Like marshmallow root, slippery elm contains mucilage. When mixed with water, it forms a slick gel that coats and soothes the throat. You can find slippery elm in powder form, which can be mixed into a drinkable paste or added to warm water to make a tea. Always follow the dosing instructions on the package. Tips for Administering Natural Remedies to Kids Remember, the key to administering any remedy to children is to ensure the experience is as positive as possible. For younger kids, you might mix remedies with their favourite juice or use a playful spoon. With older children, explaining how and why the remedy works can empower them and make them more willing to try it. Expert Insight Naturopathic experts agree that natural remedies can be incredibly effective for mild sore throats. However, they also emphasize the importance of consultation with a healthcare professional, especially if symptoms persist, to rule out more serious conditions such as strep throat. In Conclusion The discomfort of a sore throat can cast a shadow over even the sunniest of childhood days. By choosing naturopathic remedies, parents can offer their kids relief while supporting their bodies' natural healing processes. Always consult with a healthcare professional before introducing new remedies, and remember that the best care is rooted in love, patience, and a little bit of nature’s magic. We'd love to hear about your experiences with natural remedies for sore throats or any questions you might have. Share your stories in the comments below and help us build a community of health-conscious, supportive parents! For more articles on Naturopathic immune boosters Click Here
By Shawn Meirovici 24 Apr, 2024
The routine of napping for young children has been the subject of much debate and discourse—prompting questions about its necessity, effectiveness, and logistical impact. Parents and educators often grapple with establishing and maintaining nap schedules, with varying degrees of success. In this in-depth exploration, we'll unpack the benefits of napping, tackle the challenges, and provide actionable insights for managing this crucial part of a child's daily rhythm. The Science of Sleep Sleep is a pillar of children's health and development, influencing everything from mood to learning abilities. Understanding the science of sleep means recognizing that children's rest needs are significantly different from those of adults. Infants, for instance, require a staggering amount of sleep, with naps constituting the majority of their daytime hours. Preschoolers still need substantial shuteye but typically transition from multiple naps to a single afternoon sleep. For children, napping supports cognitive development through memory consolidation—a process where the brain strengthens newly formed synaptic connections. This critical function aids in information retention, a foundational component of learning. Furthermore, without the proper amount of rest, young minds may struggle to focus and engage in the complex tasks they face daily. Napping Guidelines Each age group has specific nap requirements. Infants may sleep for as many as 4-5 hours during the day, gradually consolidating naps. Toddlers do well with a morning and afternoon nap, with durations typically in the range of 1-2 hours each. Around the age of 3-5, children begin to transition to a single nap, which may last for 1-2 hours, yet there's a wide range of normal. However, it's crucial to note that nap length and timing can significantly affect the quality and duration of nighttime sleep. A nap that's too late or too long can lead to bedtime resistance and night wakings. Conversely, omitting a nap altogether when it's still necessary can result in an overtired, less-pleasant child. Cultural and Social Perspectives Societal norms and cultural practices play a significant role in nap routines. Some cultures prioritize a midday break for all ages, while others might maintain a more regimented schedule that doesn't allow for naps beyond infancy. Family dynamics, such as working hours and number of siblings, also influence how and when children nap. It's important for parents to take a holistic view of their child's sleep needs, considering both cultural expectations and individual biology. The Nap Dilemma Establishing and maintaining a structured nap routine often presents a practical challenge to parents. Common obstacles include an aversion to leaving stimulating activities, difficulty in falling asleep, and resistance to missed playtime. Daycares and preschools follow their own nap schedules, sometimes not aligning with the child's circadian rhythms. Overcoming these hurdles requires patience and a proactive, child-centred approach. Parents can facilitate naps by creating a soothing, consistent pre-nap routine, ensuring the sleep environment is conducive to rest, and recognizing signs of sleep readiness. Nap Transitioning Recognizing when a child is ready to transition from multiple naps to a single one is key. Signs include prolonged wakefulness between the end of the day and bedtime, resistance to at least one of the usual naps, and continued good spirits despite a shortened afternoon sleep. Supporting this transition involves tinkering with the schedule to find a single, optimal nap time, gradually pushing it later to be in sync with the child's natural sleep cycle. Transitioning out of naps entirely is another milestone. Typically, a child will phase out the single nap between ages 3-5, with the transition to no nap occurring typically by school age. Being watchful for when the child starts resisting naps and ensuring they're still getting the necessary amount of night sleep are imperative during this phase. The Final Word The decision of whether kids should take naps is not one-size-fits-all. Naps continue to offer many benefits and help bridge the gap between a child's natural sleep requirements and their daytime activities. However, parents should always be prepared to adapt nap schedules based on the child's evolving needs and individual characteristics. For parents and educators, it's about striking the right balance. On one hand, there's the recognition of the biological imperative of naps for children's growth and learning. On the other, there's the acknowledgment of real-world constraints and the importance of fostering independence as children grow older. Conclusion The nap debate for children is a nuanced one, rooted in science, tradition, and practicality. While we can't offer a one-size-fits-all solution, we can provide tools for navigating this important aspect of child development. By staying attuned to individual needs, following best practices, and remaining flexible as children grow, we can ensure that nap time remains a beneficial and cherished part of a child's day.  For more articles on sleep Click Here
By Shawn Meirovici 17 Apr, 2024
In the quest for optimal health and wellness, a buzzword that's risen to the forefront is 'gut health'. This intricate ecosystem of microorganisms living in our digestive tracts has been found to have an incredible impact on not just our physical health, but also our mental well-being. But while gut health might seem like a concern tailored to health enthusiasts and adults, it's equally, if not more, vital for our children. Understanding what tools we have at our disposal to nurture our children's gut microbiome and lay a foundation for lifelong health is paramount. Enter prebiotics — the lesser-known hero in the world of gut health and nutrition. Unlike probiotics (which are live beneficial bacteria), prebiotics are a type of fibre that acts as food for these good bacteria, helping them to thrive and maintain a balanced gut environment. This extensive guide is designed for parents, nutrition enthusiasts and health-conscious families to illuminate the path to cultivating a robust gut environment in their kids through the use of prebiotics. The Gut's Harmonious Garden Imagine the gut as a garden. Within this complex system are trillions of bacterial inhabitants that play a pivotal role in your child's overall health. They assist in digesting food, producing nutrients, regulating metabolism, and providing integral support to the immune system. When their garden (the gut) is well-tended, it flourishes with 'good' bacteria, leading to a host of benefits, from enhanced nutrient absorption to bolstering the body's natural defences against illness. Sowing the Seeds of Health Just as a garden requires careful attention, so does the gut. And prebiotics are like the seeds that allow healthy flora to grow. The key function of prebiotics is to encourage the growth and activity of beneficial bacteria such as Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli, which are known to be crucial for a child's development and maintenance of immune health. But where can parents find these prebiotic seeds to sow in their children's digestive gardens? Prebiotics 101: What You Need to Know What Are Prebiotic Foods? Prebiotic foods are rich in fibre, specifically non-digestible fibres like inulin, fructooligosaccharides (FOS), and oligofructose. These can be found in a variety of plant-based foods, with some of the best sources being chicory root, garlic, onions, leeks, asparagus, green bananas, and whole grains. Preparing the Soil for Growth Before we can expect the gut garden to flourish, we need to ensure the soil (the gut environment) is ready. This is where a balanced and varied diet is crucial. Children need to consume a range of foods that include complex carbohydrates, particularly those high in fibre, to provide the prebiotic foundation their gut microbiome can thrive upon. Sowing Seeds of Health through Diet The Benefits of a Prebiotic-Rich Diet Incorporating prebiotic-rich foods into a child's diet can lead to numerous health benefits. These include: Improved Digestion: Prebiotics help regulate bowel movements and can alleviate symptoms associated with constipation. Enhanced Nutrient Absorption: A healthy gut increases the body's ability to absorb vitamins and minerals. Strengthened Immune System: The gut houses 70% to 80% of the body's immune cells, and prebiotics can enhance their functionality. Mood and Behaviour: Emerging research suggests a link between gut health and neurological function, with prebiotics potentially playing a role. Cultivating a Taste for Prebiotic Foods For some children, the strong flavours of foods high in prebiotics, such as onions or asparagus, can be off-putting. Parents can employ creative cooking methods, like roasting or caramelizing vegetables, to make them more palatable. It's also important to introduce new foods gradually and never pressure a child to eat something they don't like. Teaching by example, and making meals a family affair, can also encourage children to eat a wider range of foods. Common Misconceptions About Prebiotics They're Not Just for Adults It's often thought that prebiotics are more important for adults, but that's far from the truth. Children's guts are still developing and are especially receptive to prebiotics. It’s during childhood that the foundations of the gut microbiome are laid, so a diet rich in prebiotics is especially important during this time. Supplements Aren't Always Necessary While prebiotic supplements can be a convenient way to ensure intake, the best source of prebiotics is whole foods. Supplements don't provide the same range of nutrients as whole foods and can't mimic the synergistic effect that a varied diet offers. Planting a Seed of Change Practical Tips for Parents In a world where processed and fast foods are often the easiest options, it's essential for parents to be proactive in cultivating a prebiotic-rich diet for their children. Here are some practical tips to get started: Shop smart: Fill your cart with a rainbow of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Cook creatively: Experiment with recipes that incorporate prebiotic-rich foods. Make it a habit: Consistency is key. Incorporate prebiotics into your child's diet on a regular basis. Normalize these foods: The more exposure your child has to these foods, the more likely they are to accept and enjoy them. Fertilizing the Future The discussion of gut health for children encapsulates the concept of preventive wellness, shaping the health of future generations. By understanding the role of prebiotics and actively seeking to incorporate them into the daily routine of a child's diet, parents are investing in their health and helping them grow into strong, thriving individuals. And while the concept may seem complex, the approach is straightforward — eat a variety of whole, plant-based foods high in prebiotics. It's a small intervention with the potential for profound, lifelong effects. In a time where the easy choices don't always lead to the healthiest outcomes, the conscious decisions parents make to nourish their child's microbiome are pivotal. By providing the right conditions for the gut to flourish, we're not just feeding our children's bodies; we're nurturing the potential for a truly fulfilling and healthy life.
By Shawn Meirovici 10 Apr, 2024
The path of parenting is rarely a straight one, and just when you think you've found your rhythm, a sleep regression can stagger your infant's otherwise predictable routine. These points of developmental change, often referred to as "The Wonder Weeks," mark crucial periods where your baby's brain is making significant strides in processing new skills and senses. For new parents, especially, these phases can be both a baffling and exhausting ordeal as prior victories in sleep-training seem to evaporate overnight. We'll walk you through the why and the when of sleep regressions in children, how you can weather the storm, and the importance of maintaining perspective in this pivotal time of early child development. A Wonder of Child Development Understanding what 'The Wonder Weeks' refer to is the first step in comprehending the phenomenon of sleep regressions. The term was coined by child psychologists Frans Plooij and Hetty van de Rijt, who identified specific age ranges when babies experience a surge of cognitive development. These leaps lead to increased fussiness, clinginess, and yes, sleep disturbance. Once you grasp the wonder weeks, you can anticipate these developmental leaps and view them as temporary set-backs in the context of broader growth. From this lens, you may even come to see them as positive signs that your child is advancing healthily. Science of Seeing Stars (At 2 AM) The term 'sleep regression' can be misleading, as it implies a step backward, whereas in actuality, it's a leap forward—albeit a challenging one. These phases in an infant’s life lead to changes in sleep patterns that can include more frequent night waking, difficulty in falling asleep, and shorter naps. They commonly occur at around 4 months, 8-10 months, and 18 months of age but can vary from child to child. The common triggers can include separation anxiety, teething discomfort, growth spurts, and the onset of new cognitive skills. In the infant's perspective, the world is growing stranger and more complex; whereas, from the adult's perspective, it may seem like a relentless month of disrupted sleep. Parental Playbook for Sleep Regressions When your child hits a sleep regression, it’s not just about helping them through it; it's about preserving your own sanity too. Here's some coping mechanisms to see you through: Routine is the Remedy Stick to your sleep routine as much as possible. Consistency provides security and a powerful anchor for your child during periods of change. The Comfort of Connection A cuddle here, a rock there—now is not the time to worry about creating bad habits. Comforting your child through this phase is not only necessary but an affirmation of security. Timing is Everything Be forgiving with time. If naps are shorter or schedules are erratic, allow for some flexibility during the tough times. Self-Care is Key It's not selfish to take care of yourself; in fact, it's crucial. Ensure that you're getting the sleep and support you need to be the best parent you can be. A consultation with a naturopath , like myself, is a great way to establish a healthy exercise, diet and supplement plan. Experts Weigh In To offer a professional perspective, we turn to child development experts, naturopaths and paediatricians. They underscore the significance of addressing sleep regressions with patience and understanding. Dr. Elizabeth J. Meade , a paediatrician, emphasizes that 'sleep is not a linear process for babies. It's more about cycles of growth and adaptation, so disturbances, while challenging, are typically temporary.' Dr. Meade recommends 'providing comfort and predictability for your child' as the best course of action. By understanding what developmental milestones your child is reaching, you can better adjust your approach to these overnight changes. The Dream of a Healthy Sleep Pattern Sleep is vital to a child's growth and development. Regressions, although challenging, are a testament to your child's progression. By managing these regressions effectively, parents can play a pivotal role in establishing a long-term, healthy sleep pattern for their child. By recognizing the patterns and the underlying reasons for sleep disturbances, parents can not only survive these phases but also lay the foundation for their child's future sleep habits. This not only benefits the child in the long term but also ensures that parents can maintain a semblance of a good night's rest. The End of the Regression While it may seem like these phases last an eternity, they do end. The key is to mark these times not with frustration but with the knowledge that your child is reaching new heights. These temporary regressions are an entry point into a golden age of interaction and development with your growing child. Parents, you are not alone. Child development is a shared human experience, and the challenges it presents are as much a part of the process as the joy it promises. In understanding and welcoming the wonder weeks, we can tout our children's leaps of growth with pride, knowing that we have supported and nurtured them through nights starry with cosmic breakthroughs. Understanding and planning for these sleep regressions will not only make them more manageable but can also strengthen the bond between parent and child. In this, we see that the Wonder Weeks, even as they lead to nights less than restful, are, in their way, truly wonderful.
By Shawn Meirovici 02 Apr, 2024
The soft, smooth skin of a child is a canvas that tells a story of their health and well-being. But, what happens when this canvas is disturbed by the appearance of redness, itching, or bumpy rashes? For many parents, the sudden emergence of a skin rash in their child can be alarming. However, armed with awareness and knowledge, parents can confidently navigate these skin conditions, understanding that most are common and manageable.  Uncover the Mystery Behind Your Child's Rash The first step in managing a child's skin rash is to identify which type of rash has developed. Here, we will explore the top 5 skin rashes in children, including their symptoms, causes, and appropriate treatments. 1. Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis) Eczema is one of the most prevalent skin conditions in children, affecting over 10% of infants. The rash is typified by red, itchy patches and can appear on various parts of the body. Causes and Triggers: The exact cause of eczema is unknown, but genetics and environmental factors play a significant role. Certain triggers, like rough fabrics, foods or environmental allergens, can worsen the condition. Treatment and Management: Keep the skin hydrated with emollient-based creams and ointments. Use mild, fragrance-free soaps and detergents. Manage itching with with anti-histamine compounds and keep your child's nails trimmed to minimize damage to the skin from scratching. Identify and avoid triggers that you notice cause flare-ups in your child. When to Seek Medical Attention: If your child's eczema becomes severe, if the itching is disrupting sleep or daily activities, or if their skin shows signs of infection (such as crusting or oozing), consult with a healthcare professional. For more information on Naturopathic solutions to childhood eczema click here 2. Diaper Rash (Irritant Dermatitis) Diaper rashes are extremely common in babies and appear as red, irritated skin on the baby's bottom, thighs, and genitalia. Causes and Aggravators: Friction, prolonged exposure to wetness, chafing from diapers, and soiled diapers are primary causes. Introduction of new foods can also change the pH of stool, making it more irritating. Prevention and Treatment: Change diapers frequently. Use a soft cloth to clean the baby's diaper area and avoid wipes with fragrance or alcohol. Apply a thick layer of diaper cream with each diaper change, especially if the rash is just a pink colour. When to Seek Medical Attention: Prolonged or severe rashes may require a medicated cream and a doctor's consultation. If there are any open sores or signs of infection, such as pus-filled bumps, seek immediate medical advice. 3. Heat Rash (Miliaria) This rash appears as tiny, red bumps on areas of the body that are prone to sweat, usually in hot, humid weather. Causes and Prevention in Hot Weather: Sweat gets trapped under the skin, leading to inflammation and the characteristic bumps. Dressing babies and young children lightly in hot weather and keeping them in air-conditioned rooms can help prevent this condition. Soothing Remedies: Keep the skin cool and dry. Avoid tight clothing that restricts airflow. Use calamine lotion to soothe any itching or discomfort. When to Seek Medical Attention: Most heat rashes clear up on their own. However, persistent rashes may require evaluation by a healthcare provider. 4. Fifth Disease (Erythema Infectiosum) Fifth Disease is a viral illness that occurs most commonly in children ages 5 to 14. It usually begins with a low-grade fever, headache, and mild cold-like symptoms, followed by a characteristic red rash on the face, which gives the child a "slapped cheek" appearance, and a lacy rash on the trunk and limbs. Contagious Period and Transmission: A child with Fifth Disease is most contagious before the rash appears. The disease is spread through respiratory secretions, like saliva, nasal mucus, or respiratory droplets. Consultation with a Paediatrician: If your child has Fifth Disease, it's important to notify their school or childcare provider. In most cases, this disease just needs to run its course, but consulting with a Naturopath or paediatrician can help ensure a proper diagnosis. 5. Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (HFMD) HFMD is a common viral illness that typically affects children younger than 5 years old. It is characterized by sores in the mouth and a rash on the hands and feet. Symptoms and Treatment: Symptoms include fever, sore throat, a feeling of being unwell, and a rash that appears 1-2 days after the fever. Treatment is mostly to alleviate the symptoms as HFMD resolves on its own. Prevention and Spreading: Maintain good hygiene, including regular handwashing, and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces. Keep your child home from daycare or school if they are sick, especially if they have a fever or they are drooling. When to Seek Medical Attention: See a healthcare provider if the child refuses to drink or seems dehydrated, if sores or blisters appear infected, or if there are signs of viral meningitis such as severe headache or neck stiffness. Leveraging Knowledge for Comfort and Care Understanding these common skin rashes empowers parents to take the necessary steps to provide relief and, in some cases, prevent further discomfort or complications. Remember, early recognition and appropriate management of skin rashes can make a significant difference in your child's comfort and recovery. Key Takeaways for Parents and Guardians Stay observant and informed. Each child's health story is unique, and recognizing the nuances of their skin can guide you towards prompt intervention and, ultimately, their well-being. Calling All Parents: Share this Guide for Unified Preparedness Encourage a network of parents to share these insights. Solidarity in preparedness fosters a secure environment for children. May knowledge and community stand as the guardians of children's health, making skin rashes just a mild, manageable intercept in their childhood tales.
By Shawn Meirovici 27 Mar, 2024
For new parents and health-conscious families, one of the most pressing concerns is the well-being of their newest addition. The immune system of an infant is a marvel of nature, shaping lifelong health and resilience. As the gatekeepers of nurturing the first line of defence, caregivers are constantly seeking safe and effective methods to boost their baby’s immunity. From the food they eat to the environment they are in, a child’s immune system is influenced by a variety of factors. In this comprehensive blog post, we’ll explore natural immune boosters, safe remedies and practices, and the role of supplements in enhancing the immune system of our little ones. Introduction In the delicate, formative years of infancy, the immune system is particularly vulnerable. However, there's a balance to be struck; while it's essential to protect children from infection and disease, it's equally critical to expose them to potential threats to develop robust immunities. Enhancing an infant's immune system is about finding that equilibrium, utilizing methods that are both safe and beneficial without overwhelming the body's natural processes. Natural Immune Boosters Breastfeeding Benefits The first and most potent immune booster for infants is breast milk. Known as "liquid gold," breast milk is teeming with antibodies that provide passive immunity to newborns. It contains white blood cells, antimicrobial proteins, and immunoglobulins that help fight off infections and reduce the risk of allergies and chronic diseases later in life. Nutrient-Rich Foods Introducing nutrient-dense foods to your infant’s diet is crucial. Foods high in vitamin C help build white blood cells, while vitamin E acts as an antioxidant. Zinc plays a role in the maturation of white blood cells and the regulation of the immune response. Leafy greens, sweet potatoes, and eggs are excellent sources of essential nutrients. Probiotics for Infants Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that are good for your health, especially the digestive system. For infants, probiotics can have a mild yet positive impact on their immune systems, helping with the balance of good bacteria in the gut. Probiotics can be found in breast milk, but if not exclusively breastfeeding, speak to your Naturopathic Doctor or Paediatrician about the possibility of supplementation. Safe Remedies and Practices Vaccinations Under the guidance of Paediatricians, staying on track with vaccinations is the single most effective way to ensure a child’s immune system is fortified against a range of potentially serious diseases. The schedule may seem rigorous, but it’s designed to protect your child at the most vulnerable stages. For parents who are hesitant about vaccination it is encouraged to discuss the pro's and con's of vaccination as well as alternative options with your Naturopathic Doctor or Paediatrician. Hygiene and Sanitation Practicing good hygiene and maintaining a clean environment is important; however, over-sterilization may also pose a problem. In pursuit of nurturing robust immune systems in infants, the hygiene hypothesis presents a compelling perspective worth considering. This theory suggests that early exposure to certain microbes and allergens plays a crucial role in the development of a healthy immune system. Originating from observations that link lower incidences of allergies and autoimmune diseases to environments with higher levels of microbial exposure, such as those found in larger families or rural settings, the hygiene hypothesis challenges the notion of over-sterilization in modern living environments. Studies, including those cited by sources like the FDA and Johns Hopkins, have explored this concept, indicating that a balance between cleanliness and microbial exposure might be key to preventing conditions like asthma and certain allergies. By understanding and applying the principles of the hygiene hypothesis, parents may be able to support the development of stronger, more adaptive immune systems in their infants, potentially reducing the risk of allergic and autoimmune disorders later in life. Supplements for Immune Support Vitamin D Vitamin D plays a crucial role in the development and function of the immune system. It has been linked to reduced respiratory infections in children. Where sunlight exposure and diet don’t provide enough, Naturopaths and Paediatricians might recommend Vitamin D supplements, especially for breastfed babies. Omega-3 Fatty Acids Omega-3s, found in fish and quality fish oil supplements, have anti-inflammatory properties that can support the immune system's response. Including omega-3s in a child's diet may help enhance their immunity and contribute to overall health. Iron Iron is essential for the immune system function and cognitive development in children. Iron deficiencies are common, especially in breastfed babies. To ensure adequate iron levels, a variety of iron-rich foods and, sometimes, supplements are recommended. Vitamin C, Zinc and Elderberry Vitamin C, Zinc, and Elderberry syrup stand out as safe and natural options for supporting the immune health of infants. Vitamin C is crucial for the growth and repair of tissues in all parts of the body and is known to enhance the immune system's ability to fight off infections. Zinc plays a vital role in immune function, growth, and healing. Elderberry syrup, made from the fruit of the Sambucus tree, has been traditionally used for its antioxidant properties and its potential to alleviate cold symptoms. Together, these supplements can offer a gentle yet effective boost to an infant's immune system. However, it's important for parents to consult with a healthcare provider before introducing any new supplements to their infant's diet, to ensure they are appropriate and safe for their specific health needs. Conclusion Immune health is an ongoing conversation for parents, and health-conscious families. While it’s essential to take steps to bolster a child's immune system, it's equally important to do so safely and responsibly. Encouraging lifelong health through nutrition, lifestyle, proper supplementation, and thoughtful care is a gift that keeps on giving. For parents, the approach is not just about immediate disease prevention; it’s about setting the stage for a lifetime of well-being and resilience for their child. Remember, every decision you make now has a lasting impact on your child’s health, and these careful strategies can help build a foundation for a healthy future.  For more articles on safe supplements for kids click here
By Shawn Meirovici 19 Mar, 2024
Exploring the Benefits of a Low Histamine Diet for Children A child's diet plays a pivotal role in their overall health and well-being. One dietary approach that has gained attention, particularly for children with certain health challenges, is the low histamine diet. The impact of histamine on health is multifaceted, with its implications reaching into the lives of those who might have unexplained health challenges, including children. In understanding this complex topic, we'll explore the role of histamine in health, decipher how it may affect children, and provide a road map for parents considering this dietary intervention for their little ones. Understanding Histamine Intolerance in Children Histamine is a vital part of the immune and neurological response in the human body. However, some children can have an increased sensitivity or a reduced ability to break down histamine, leading to a condition known as histamine intolerance. These children often experience symptoms such as: Digestive problems including diarrhea, cramps, and constipation Skin issues like hives, eczema, and redness Respiratory difficulties including a runny nose, wheezing, and asthma Circulatory issues like low blood pressure, dizziness, and fainting Adopting a low histamine diet can be particularly helpful for children who are more susceptible to these types of reactions. The triggers for histamine intolerance can vary from individual to individual but commonly include: Foods high in histamine Foods that encourage the release of histamine Foods that prevent the breakdown of histamine Medications that interfere with the body's natural breakdown of histamine For parents, identifying these triggers and mitigating their effects through diet can be a game-changer, potentially alleviating uncomfortable symptoms for their children. Benefits of a Low Histamine Diet for Children Improved Digestion Many children with histamine intolerance experience gastrointestinal problems that can significantly affect their day-to-day life. By removing high histamine foods from their diet, parents may observe improved digestion, less discomfort, and increased nutrient absorption. Reduced Allergy Symptoms Children who struggle with allergies often have a higher histamine response, which can worsen symptoms. A low histamine diet can work in conjunction with allergy management strategies to reduce the overall histamine load on the body, potentially diminishing the severity of allergic reactions. Enhanced Overall Well-being Adopting a low histamine diet isn't just about managing symptoms; it's about promoting better health. A child with histamine intolerance might experience a broader sense of well-being, with more energy and fewer health concerns after making this dietary shift. How to Implement a Low Histamine Diet for Children Foods to Include Foods that are typically low in histamine are fresh and unprocessed. This includes: Fresh, pasteurized dairy Fresh meat Poultry and fish Eggs Gluten-free grains (rice, quinoa, corn) Most fresh fruits and vegetables (excluding avocados, spinach, and tomatoes) Cooking oils such as olive oil and coconut oil Herbal teas Homemade broths from low-histamine meat sources Foods to Avoid High histamine foods and those that promote histamine release are the main culprits that need to be sidelined for children following this dietary regimen. They include: Fermented foods Aged cheeses Alcohol and vinegar Processed, smoked, and cured meats Canned or processed vegetables Shelf-stable dairy products Most citrus fruits Nuts and seeds Tomatoes and tomato-based products Chocolate and cacao Artificial food colours and preservatives Meal Planning Tips Successful implementation of a low histamine diet for children revolves around thoughtful meal planning. This can include: Batch cooking and freezing portions of low histamine meals for convenience Planning meals around fresh or flash-frozen ingredients Seeking out low histamine recipes that are appealing to children and the rest of the family Ensuring a balance of nutrients through a variety of low histamine foods Considerations for Parents and Caregivers Working with Healthcare Professionals It's important for parents to consult with Naturopaths, Paediatricians or Nutritionists before transitioning their child to a low histamine diet. These professionals can provide guidance, assess the child's dietary needs, and ensure that no vital nutrients are being overlooked. Monitoring Effects on Children Observation is crucial when making changes to a child's diet. Parents should carefully monitor their child's health, noting any improvements or side effects. This can provide valuable feedback for adjusting the diet to suit the child's individual needs. Conclusion For children with histamine intolerance, a low histamine diet can offer a pathway to a healthier, more comfortable life. By understanding the role of histamine in health, recognizing the signs of histamine intolerance in children, and knowing how to implement a low histamine diet through careful meal planning and collaboration with healthcare professionals, parents can take proactive steps that may lead to significant positive changes in their child's well-being. A low histamine diet is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and it might not be necessary or beneficial for every child. However, for those it does help, the impact can be profound. As a parent, the decision to explore this dietary approach for your child is a testament to your dedication to their health and the lengths you're willing to go to ensure they thrive. The more we learn about individual needs and personalized approaches to health, the better equipped we become to provide effective care for the unique members of our families. If you suspect that histamine could be a factor in your child's health concerns, consider the low histamine diet as one tool in your arsenal to help them live their best, healthiest life. For more articles on kids nutrition Click Here
By Shawn Meirovici 12 Mar, 2024
Introducing solid foods to your baby is a significant milestone in any parent's life. It's a moment that is both exciting and slightly daunting. You want to ensure that you're providing the best nutrition for your child, while also being mindful of the transition's impact on their health and development. For new parents and health-conscious families, navigating this transition can be both confusing and critical. This guide is designed to help you understand the right time to start solid foods for your baby, the best types of foods to introduce, and how to approach this significant developmental step with confidence and care. When to Start Solid Foods Your baby's first foods mark the beginning of a lifelong adventure in eating. But how do you know when your little one is ready to take that leap from milk to meals? Signs that your baby may be ready for solids typically start appearing between 4 and 6 months of age. Your doctor can give you guidance, but here are some common cues: Signs of Readiness Decreased tongue-thrust reflex, which helps prevent choking, is one sign that your baby is ready. Other signs include the ability to sit up with support, showing interest in what you're eating, and the hand-eye-mouth coordination to pick up food and bring it to their mouth. Every baby is different, so it's vital to watch for these signs rather than focusing solely on the calendar. Recommended Age Range The American Academy of Paediatrics and the World Health Organization recommend introducing solids around 6 months of age. Waiting until this age lets your baby's digestive system mature and reduces the risk of allergies and overfeeding. It's essential to remember that breast milk or formula remains the most crucial part of your baby's diet for the first year. Types of Solid Foods to Introduce When the time is right, which solid foods should you start with? Here are some nutritious options: Soft/Puree Fruits and Vegetables Fruits like pears, apples, and bananas, and veggies like sweet potatoes, carrots, and peas are excellent starting points. Not only are they mild in flavour and easy to digest, but they also provide essential vitamins and minerals for growth. Cereals Iron-fortified cereals, whether rice or whole grain, can help boost your baby's iron intake, which is important for brain development. These cereals can be mixed with breast milk, formula, or water to create a suitable first food consistency. Meats and Proteins Once your baby gets accustomed to soft foods, slowly add in meats and proteins a few weeks later. These foods offer the iron and zinc needed for red blood cell production and immune system support. Check out this article for some recipes My wife and I decided Baby Led Weaning was the right choice for out family Click Here to learn more Transitioning to Solid Foods Transitioning from a liquid diet to solids is a learning curve for your baby. Keep the following in mind to ease the process: Gradual Introduction Process Begin with one or two teaspoons of food once a day. Over time, you can gradually increase to two or three meals, intermixed with milk or formula feedings. This allows your baby to adjust comfortably and gives you time to observe how they react to different foods. The Role of Breastfeeding or Formula Even as your baby starts on solids, breast milk or formula should remain their primary source of nutrition. Milk provides the necessary fats and nutrients for brain development, and the transition to solid foods is simply to introduce new tastes and to start exploring texture and experience with eating. Doctor's Perspective A paediatrician or paediatric naturopath can offer valuable insights and advice on your baby's diet. They know your child's health history and will provide personalized information to guide you through these important stages. Expert Advice on Starting Solid Foods Doctors can provide accurate information about when to start solid foods, which foods to start with, and what to avoid. They can also address any concerns you might have about allergies or developmental milestones. Common Concerns and Tips for Parents Common concerns parents have about starting solids include allergies, choking hazards, portion sizes, and picky eating. Your paediatrician can provide tips for addressing these concerns and making the transition as smooth as possible. Conclusion Starting your baby on solid foods is an adventure both you and your little one will remember. Take this time to explore the vast world of flavours, textures, and the joy that can be shared around the table. Remember to be patient, be present, and most importantly, enjoy this stage of discovery with your child.
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